Friday 4 March 2011

Evaluation - Question Five

"How did you address/attract your audience?"

In order to attract my specific target audience, I used several features that combined would create a desirable product. I first chose the name of my magazine:

I feel that this name is appropriate to my audience as the word itself hints at the music invading their life, which represents the fact that my audience have a strong connection with music and like to feel they know the latest about music; which the magazine also aims to bring. I also feel the style of writing represents the idea of invanding and stamping a mark on something. It also looks quite rebellious and spontaneous - which could represents the personalities of some readers.

The stories and names of bands I have used also attracts the audience;

I used a mixture of real life bands e.g. The Courteeners who already have a good reputations and are quite well known within the indie/rock genre. This will attract several readers to my magazine. I also used names of several bands that I invented e.g. British Daylight who will appeal to the more dedicated music fans of up and coming bands. This will therefore create a wide range of bands and appeal to the reader, and make it accesible to a larger amout of readers

In order to create a magazine that will diferentiate itself from others out there, I have chosen a different colour scheme than what is typically used:

By using a different colour scheme, I have seperated my magazine from those of a similar style, thus making it distinctable when placed on the shelves next to the others. My readers will enjoy being part of something different, and therefore find it desirable that my magazine does not use the standard red, white and black. Having a unique colour scheme shows that my magazine is unique - a quality my readers will be looking for.

I decided against using studio shots in my magazine, and used a range of images that were taken in natural environments:

Many of my readers will have a desire to be in the position of those they are reading about in my magazine, and in order for them to find them more accesable I have taken images in natural surroundings, with nothing particularly special or different about them. This will then allow the reader to feel that they could easily be in this position, and will then encourage them to buy the magazine, and discover how they became to be in such a position and also keep up to date to the activities of these people they can easily find themselves relating to.

The language in my magazine is quite simplistic and not too complicated:

"So who was this man? None other that the owner of Columbia Records, one of the companies British Daylight sent their demo to."

I have decided to use this as my target range may be dedicated to music, and not feel required to be overwhelmed by images, however, they will not want to be overloaded with complex sentences which may ruin the experience for them. The simple language allows for the audience not to feel inadiquate when reading this magazine, however it does not make them feel they are also too smart for it. My language choice has allowed for all socio-economic groups to be targeted; my magazine has allowed for no person to be left out of the reading experience.

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