Friday 4 March 2011

Evaluation - Question Six

"What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing product?"

During the creation of my final product I learnt in a great detail about a numerous amount of technologies, I had some prior knowledge to some of the technologies but learnt new skills within these, however for many of them I had no knowledge of, so therefore learnt all new skills while creating my product.

Photoshop: I used Photoshop during my planning and production stages; however it was more dominantly used throughout the production stages. I had to plan to set my pages to the correct size, learning how to change the sizes to 29cm x 20cm for a correct A4 size page, and learning to change the resolution to 300 pixels/inch. I also learnt how to enter guides and rulers and set them to a location that I needed, these being used in the planning stages. Being new to using Photoshop, and not knowing about any of the tools, I spent some time learning using the different tools to see what effects they created, and getting comftable with them all. I feel I learnt about all of the tools, and could use them well from now on, however I used certain tools alot more than others; and therefore felt I used these tools more effectively:
- I learnt in great detail about the lasso and polygon lasso tool, and the use of feathering when taking part in this action, to remove areas of images. I made use of this in two of my images; the image on the contents page, and the image on my front cover in order to manipulate just the background.
- The blur tool, in particular the motion blur tool was used in order to create an effect of spinning on my front cover, I managed to do this by cropping my model out using the polygon lasso tool and then re-inserting it once I had created a desirable background.
- I used the text tool to manipulate my text, and create different fonts, colours and sizes in order to create a desirable product.
- I learnt how to adjust the colours of my images by....
- Re-sizing images by using the the scale tool to a suitable size was another skill I learnt. I used blogger throughout all my stages, however I had not previously used so it was difficult to learn and use at the same time. I enabled my comments and edited the design of my blog in order to make it more unique. I learnt how to add images, and to embed a link in to my posts, along with arranging my posts according to the function of them. In addition I was able to learn how to blog on the go via my smartphone, so was able to use at times when I was not able to locate a computer. I used this website in order to create a survey for my research, I had no prior knowledge of using this website, and I had not made many surveys prior to this. I was able to learn how to write appropriate questions, and adapt them on the website in order to change them to open questions, closed questions, only being able to chose one option or being able to change several. In order to make my results attractive and easy to read, I learnt how to use Microsoft Excel in conjunction with this, so my results could be adapted into pie charts using this software.

Microsoft Publisher: I used Publisher during my planning and production stages: my flat plans we're created using Publisher, and my double page spread was created by using Publisher also. I already had a rather large knowledge of Publisher, however I learnt a few new skills, such as creating columns, and learning how to adjust my photographs. In addition I learnt how to insert images that had been created using photoshop, such as my heading for my double page spread.

Computer: I used my computer throughout all my stages of creating my final product, however I feel I was already quite skilled on a computer, and didn't feel I learnt new skills during this process.

Samsung digital camera: I was already familiar with this digital camera, however only with the basic uses of the camera, I learnt several new skills however:
- I was able to learn how to use multiple delete so I could quickly remove all the images I did not find useful quickly, and allow for myslef to have enough memory left.
- I was able to use timer button on my camera so that it would take two images with only two seconds between, this came in useful when taking images of the live band, they moved around so much that taking the maximum amount of images in the shortest amout of time was essential.
- I was able to use the zoom buttons effectivly, along with changing the settings of the camera so that it would change the effect from normal to black and white etc.
Could you have completed this project without using any technology?
My project could not have been completed without technology; I needed a camera in order to take the images of my models. I would not have been able to create the picture in any other way; no matter what camera I would have used, I would have needed other types of technology aswell; a computer in order to display the image on and to print the image off if I was to make the magazine by hand. However some of the technology I used in the process could easily have been eliminated and still make an efficent magazine.

Which technology could you have done without?
I would possibly have been able to create my product without several of the technologies I used, however the results that I would have got would not have been as effective.
- In replacement of Photoshop, I would have been able to use a basic image software such as Paint or Microsoft Image Manager but the image manipulation I was able to create using Photoshop would not have been made with these image softwares.
- If I was not to use Surveymonkey, I would be able to create my surveys by handwriting them or even doing a face to face questionnaire. This may have saved on the reliability of my answers; my actaul results may have been false and random to the person taking part, however this would take much longer and I may not get as many results. In addition, I could have done without Microsoft Excel by using a simplistic word document software to create my charts, or even create them by hand, however this would have taken a much longer time.
- Much like Photoshop, I could have used simpler image software to create the documents I created on Publisher, however with the same results as I would have gotten if I replaced Photoshop.

Which piece of technology could you not have done without?
I could not have completed this project without my camera; images are vital to the magazine, and the only way to take them was using a camera. I could have completed my magazine by hand, therefore eliminating the computer from my process, however I would need some form of computer and printer to access my images if I was to create my magazine by hand. It was therefore impossible to complete the project without the camera and computer.

What are the positives of using technology?
My task was completed much quicker, it would have taken a much longer time to create by hand, in addition it was a lower cost; I changed my magazine around so many times, if I had made it by hand it would have been a lot more expensive. In addition to this by using technology, I was able to store information on my blog on the internet, meaning it was accesible from anywhere, I could also gather information for media packs, exsisting products, and other addition reasearch easily.

What are the negatives of using technology?
A major negative of technology is the inconsistency of it; breaking down of computers, cameras running low of charge and the loss of information. I had problems with my camera due to the battery it ran on; unlike many cameras, I had to charge mine, meaning if my camera ran out on shoot (which it did) I had to postpone and rearrange. In addition, the use of USB's to carry my work on was a problem, e.g. if the memory stick had not been ejected properly I had the risk of losing parts of my work. Another major problem was accessing a computer; it interrupted my work, and then in some cases the internet would be faulty when I could access a computer. Finally the last negativity of using technology was my blog; the surver would be down, I could only do certain amounts of work on my smartphone, work would not save correctly etc. meaing I had to repeat some of my work.


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