Sunday 28 November 2010


Interview Transcript
Mark Greenwood

In order to create a more in depth knowledge of what to include in my magazine I have decided to conduct an interview about music magazines. I will be able to gain more detailed answers than what my surveys could give me, due to the fact I am now able to use more open answer questions. I have decided to interview Mark Greenwood, who reads music magazine, but was uncomftable with being recorded. The following in the transcript of our interview.

Q) I am trying to get an idea of who reads music magazines so could you tell me your age and what you like to do in your spare time?
A) Yeah, um, I'm 17. I normally like to, um, go out with my mates, go to gigs, listen to music. That sort of thing.

Q) What's your typical dress style?
A) My dress style?
Q) Yeah, what clothes you like to wear? Jeans, tshirts...?
A) Oh right, you know, just jeans. Casual stuff. Pumps and erm, tshirts. Like band tshirts sometimes, but noramlly just, like, normal tshirts. (laughter) do you get what I'm trying to say?

Q) What bands are you in to?
A) Um, well a mixture really. I like all the chart stuff, because that's what gets played all the time. But, um, I'm more into indie stuff, you know? I love people like, The Kooks, and um The Courteeners, Kaiser Cheifs and stuff. People like that.

Q) What bands would you prefer to see in magazines?
A) People like The Courteeners and stuff, people like them. You don't really get them much, it's more people like, um, Paramore and stuff.

Q) Do you go to many gigs or festivals?
A) Yeeeah, I've been to Leeds Fest a few times, and I erm go to gigs quite often. So yeah.


This interview has allowed me to build up an idea of the reader of magazines. I have taken into account the things Mark has said, and the answers from my questionnaire.
This has allowed me to gather that my average reader is a male boy around the age of 17. His pass times include socialising and listening to music as much as possible. His dress sense is quite modern casual, with band clothing being worn to show his appreciation to the bands. Gigs and festivals are an important to the reader, as the live performances by the band are enjoyed.

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