Sunday 28 November 2010

Kerrang! - Double Page Spread

Double Page Spread

There is just one image on this double page spread, with this being Angela Gossow, with whom the article is about. The photo is a studio shot, which again creates an intimacy with the reader, as they can feel that they are closer to Gossows life. By having a studio shot, the image can then be staged so that it relates to the text, in which this case it does. Also, the image is staged so that Gossow is looking out towards the reader, which normally forges a friendly connection. However the pose that Gossow in could be interpreted that she is being defensive of herself, and the band, and that they are coming out fighting. Having just one photograph means that the text can be seen as a main focus, as well as this image not being overshaddowed by other images.

Colour Scheme
The colour scheme here is mainly black and white, with a very small amout of red being used. By not using yellow as in the previous two instances, the magazine has broken the consistency of the colour scheme, however the article is quite a serious peice, and this could be interperted that the bright yellow is not appropriate for such a peice. By keeping the majority of the colour scheme the same they are ensuring that the change is not too dramatic, and contrasting with the rest of the peice.

The title "Highway to Health" is in a serif font. This marks a contrast with the rest of the article, which uses san serif fonts, which could be in order to make the heading stand out more, and for attention to be directed to this. By using a serif font for this heading it is a visual show of how this heading is different to the rest of the article. With the rest of the text being in san serif fonts, it is keeping in with the design from the rest of the magazine which allows for consistency, and for familiarity. Also by not using a mixture of san serif fonts and serif fonts within the main text it is showing that the rest of the article is a whole.

Writing Style
The writing style here is continuing in the previous style in the fact that it is quite basic. It uses a story-telling feature, where the reader is told what happened on the interview, this links in with the fact that the audience is a younger demographic. However, it uses names of members of bands which shows that the readers of the magazine are serious about music, and will know who they are. The article uses quoations from the interview, instead of the format of question and answer. This could suggest that the reader only wants to know certain information, and therefore only is given.

Text/Picture Ratio
The ratio is around 2:1. As there is only one image, the text is shown to be much larger. However, the image is large and takes up one side of the double page spread, which shows that it is still quite dominant. The large heading also makes the text seem larger than what it actually is. The use of larger headings allows for the false impression that there is more text than there actually is, which allows for the reader to feel they are being given large amounts of information, when they actually are not.

The double page spread appeals to its intended target audience by using a large picture which allows for the reader to be attracted to the article imidiatley. The basic colour scheme allows for the reader to take the article in well, and also allows for the reader to seperate headings and the main body text due to the different fonts that are used. By using similar fonts as the previous pages, a sense of continuity is created, which allows the reader to feel comftable with the article. The reader is further comftable with the article due to the basic and story like text.

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