Sunday 28 November 2010

NME - Contents Pages

Contents Page

The magazine uses several images, all of which are studio shots. This allows for the reader to create a knowledge of who is in the magazine, and for the reader to make a connection. Along side this it also shows that the magazine uses current bands who are able to be photographed. The majority of the images are in colour, which again shows that the pictures are about bands in the presnet, however one image is in black and white. This is also the image that is about the past and signings of bands that happened along time ago, and by being in black and white we are reminded of this.

Colour Scheme
The colour scheme has changed from the front cover, with the colour scheme again using black and white, but with the change from orange to red. This colour scheme is the one traditionally used in music magazines, and it is an indication that the magazine wants to be catogarized with music magazines and is therefore following the theme. The black and white continuity allows for familiarity to be gained for the reader, and also allows for the page to be easy to take in.

Sans serif fonts are the ones mainly used on the contents page, with the exception being the heading and an advertisment to subscribe to the magazine. By having a different font, the magazine is making sure readers notice that these are different, and therefore your eyes are drawn to them. This allows for the general idea of the page to be undertstood, and also for the advertisement to be noticed. By then using the same font throughout the rest, the magazine is showing that these are of the same importance and it also again allows for familiarity to be gained.

Writing Style
The writing uses a large amout of pull quotes, which allows the reader to gain a small amount of information on what the articles will include - this allows for the reader to be intrigued and therefore drawing them in. This aside, the writing style is quite breif, with not much detail given, however it is appropriate for the target audience and the fact that it is on a contents page. Aswell as giving a breif amount of information on features inside, a simple and basic list of what else can be found inside the magazine is given, with no extra information - this gives the idea that the writing style is simple to understand.

Text/Picture Ratio
The ratio is around 1.5/2, with there being very little text, the amount of images looks larger in comparasion. There is a picture for every feature advertised, however the images look overpowering compared to the text given with it, due to it being very brief. As the text not related to the features is so breif, with not detail given, it still allows for the images to be dominant.

By using pictures, the magazine is appealing to its young target audience, which is shown again by not giving a large amount of text. By using pull quotes, the reader is drawn in, and with not a large amount of information being generated on the article, intrest is given by the reader. Using consitant fonts on the contents, bar two, the magazine is giving consistency and familiarty, and the simple and well known colour scheme allows the page to be easy to read and take in.

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