Sunday 28 November 2010

Non-readers of music magazines.

Non-readers of music magazines

In order to gain knowledge of why people are not reading magazines I made a survey aimed specifically at non-readers of music magazines. By finding out why people are not reading music magazines, I am able to identify problems people find with them, and I am then able to have that knowledge when creating my magazine.

The survey:





Other genres of music suggested were; dubstep, ska, Northern Soul, power ballads, folk and acoustic.

Additional reason given was that they were not marketed enough.

Examples given;
- Gossip on bands (similiar to celebrity magazines e.g. Heat)
- More marketing
- Reduced pricing
- Free gifts
- Wider range of bands featured
- Use of underground music
- Nothing could be added; they wouldn't read music magazines


Additional genres suggested; ska and dubstep.

The results of this questionnaire allows me to see that in order to attract new readers to music magazines I would have to aim it people aged 16-20 with the gender preference being girls. The genre preferred by this demorgraphic has been told to be pop music, along with indie and house, however the preffered genre to create a magazine with would be a dance/house magazine, closely followed by a pop magazine. In order to make the magazine more desirable I would need to market the magazine, and allow the magazine to become more like a "celeb" magazine with gossip and gifts.

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