Sunday 28 November 2010

MOJO - Contents Page

Contents Page

There is one image on the contents page; which is of Trent Reznor, who features in part of the magazine. The image is a studio shot, which usually allows the audience to feel a connection and closeness with the artist, however in this image Reznor is not looking at the camera - but looking away to the side. On the front cover it is hinted that he had a troubled past; so looking to the side of the camera, and what looks like into the distance, it could be a visual representation of Reznor looking towards his future, which looks bright once more. By wrapping his arms around him he is however sheilding himself, and it could look to the audience that he is not quite ready to let the public fully into his life. The image is in colour, where the main image on the front cover was black and white, this could show that he is a different artist to the main picture, and it could also represent how his future is looking bright once more, and is no longer dark.

Colour Scheme
The black and white colour scheme continues onto this page, however the green is replaced by red - which is the traditional colour used by music magazines. By changing this colour scheme, it shows the audience that they are spontaneous, and can mix up the style of the magazine easily. It also implies that the front colour scheme could have been just because of the feature guests, and that they are open to changing the style of the magazine to suit the guests who appear on it. Despite changing the colour scheme quite suddenly, the continous use of black and white allows for some stability in the magazine, and allows the readers to have some familiarity throughout. The main text colour is white - with the only use of black being the background; this allows for a contrast in colours and allows the reader to be attracted by the bright colour of the text.

The contents page uses just sans serif fonts, much like the front page. This adds to familiarity throughout the magazine, and allows the reader to feel like they can relate to the magazine. By using one consistent font they are showing that they are one style magazine - they do not swtich between styles in genre (even if they change the colour schemes). This also underlines the fact that the audience for the magazine is for an older audience; by keeping it in one font they are not changing the image and showing they are a stable magazine that is consistent meaning the audience will like the repetiveness of the style throughout.

Writing Style
The writing style for the contents page is still quite minimal, but it goes into much more detail that the front cover. It recognises that despite being teenagers, the audience does need some depth and detail in its writing in order to appeal to them. Pull quotes are used again, although they are seperate pull quotes, this allows to build a bit more of an idea of what will be in the article, and this is added to by the breif statements underneath the main page titles. Colloquailisms such as "psychedelic" are used, which appeal to the older audience, as words like these will have been used within their childhood. Also by using phrases such as "conquer the world" they are allowing to build up large reputations for the guests featured - making it seem more appealing for having such good bands/artists in the magazines.

Text/Picture Ratio
The text/picture ratio is about 2:1. There is more text than pictures on the contents page, with the detail that lacked in the text on the front page being added on the contents page. There is only one image on the contents page, which shows that they have diversity - they do not have to rely on all pictures in the magazine, and that the actual text is just as important. Also by only having one image, it could imply that they do not need to rely on images to promote the artists features - that they can attract readers by having such impressive names. It could also show that they need to promote the story of Reznor as he is the only person to have an image on there.

Overall the contents page contrasts slightly with the front cover; it uses more detail in its writing, however it is still breif and is quite specialist to its audience due to the colloqualisms used within. It uses only one image and it uses pull quotes; both are used to sell one feature, which suggests this is the story that they are trying to promote the most. It has a consistent font style which allows for familiarity, however consistency in colour scheme is ruined by the swapping of the uses of green for red.

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