Sunday 28 November 2010

Kerrang! - Contents Page

Contents Page

There is several photographs used on the contents page which reminds us that there is a young audience for this magazine, as younger audiences tend to prefer looking at magazines that reading large amounts of text. The stand out photograph is of Marilyn Manson which is a studio shot - creating intamacy with the audience. By looking directly out at the audience he is creating a connection between the two, and therefore engaging the reader. In addition to this shot we can see snapshots of two articles that appear further along in the magazine. This is in order preview what the article looks like, and to capture the attention of the reader. Again snapshots of posters features are displayed near the bottom of the page, these are displayed again to attract the reader and to give a genreal idea of what these posters look like. An image of the editor is shown, this is to gain a connection between the reader and this woman - which then allows the reader to feel close to the magazine, and allows a personal side to be given to the magazine.

Colour Scheme
The colour scheme from the front page is continued onto the contents page. This allows the reader to feel comfortable and familiarize themselve with the magazine. By continuing this, and adding the image of the editor, the magazine is sending out a message to the audience which states that the reader is welcome to feel apart of the magazine, and for it to become more personal than just proffesional.

The magazine continues to use just sans serif fonts, which allows for consistency to be created throughout the magazine. By using the sans serif fonts it is helping to give a constant reminder that the magazine is aimed at a younger audience, as the font itself is quite modern and basic, and also by keeping all the fonts the same is it showing that each part has equal value. The use of the smashed "Kerrang!" title again shows consistency and serves as a reminder as to what genre the magazine is of.

Writing Style
The writing style is still very basic, with not much complexity, however the magazine has much more text on the contents page, and goes into detail that was missing on the front page. It gives information on what articles are about, and uses specialist language such as "metallers" and "metalcore". By using language like this, the magazine is aiming at a specific audience, which allows the audience to be attracted to the magazine. 

Text/Picture Ratio 
The ratio in this instance is 2:1. By using more text, it is showing that despite the target audience being very young, images are to be used but text is also important as the magazine is about music, and images can not explain everything. This shows that the magazine is being serious in delievring a magazine based around music, and that it does not need to depend on images alone.

The magazine uses a continuity of fonts and of the colour scheme, which allows the reader to become familiar with the style of the magazine. The contents page also features more in depth text which shows that the magazine is serious on the reporting of music, however it still targets its audience well by still having the text breif and easy to take in, aswell as still having several images.

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