Sunday 28 November 2010

MOJO - Front Cover

Front Cover

MOJO magazine has used an image of Kings of Leon as its background for the front cover. The picture is a studio shot, with the picture being posed for this one principal. All four members of the band were looking directly at the camera when this image was taken - therefore giving the impression that they are looking straight at the reader. This will allow the reader to feel a connection with the band and image before they have even opened the magazine. The image is in black and white, which allows contrast with the colour of text, which is a contrast to the other two images which are in colour. The other two images are of artists who are no longer in the charts, therefore the use of black and white on the main image could be to show that they are different from the other two. Also it could be a reference to the fact that they are no longer in the usual working day life due to "being on the road" and being in black and white would be a reference to this. The image of Trent Reznor seems to be a profile shot, which is a studio image. The use of a studio image could be in order to show that the artist has got through his problems and is now able and willing to do interviews and photoshoots, which is reassuring to the readers. The image of the Sex Pistols front man, again a profile shot of Johnny Rotten is a live image, this could be to show that despite being highly regarded, the band only realeased a few singles and are no longer together.

Colour Scheme
The colour scheme for MOJO magazine is black, white and green. Black and white is often used in music magazines, however magazines normally use the colour red. The use of green could be move to seperate itself from the other magazines, to show that it does not conforme to the rules other magazines use, and to distinguish itself and stand out to its audience. The green on the magazine contrasts heavily with the other colours, making the texts on the magazine stand out - and therefore attracting readers attention; this could be another reason why the magazine it using the colour green. Along with this, the colour green has connotations of prosperity, growth and life. These factors could be a representaion of the colour green on the magazine; the growth and lifes of the bands uses on the magazine, and how bands prosperity (and the magazines) expands.

The whole front cover uses sans serif fonts, which could be to show how it is a modern and popular magazine. Serif fonts can be used to show formality and classical themes; the opposite to what the magazine is. By using all sans serif fonts the magazine is showing to the audience that they are a current magazine, and also that they are consistent in the fact that they do not need to use several different fonts on the cover. It also allows the reader to get used to the format of the magazine; by keeping the fonts the same, the reader is give the idea that this theme will run throughout the magazine.

Writing Style
The writing style is basic and breif. Not much detail is given on the front cover, the main focus is on promoting the artists/bands featured on the magazine, for instence they list the artists inside "PLUS! DOVES, KASABIAN...." but do not give any details of why they are inside, or where abouts in the magazine they feature. They also use pull quotes to draw readers into the Sex Pistols and the Trent Renzor features - whilst giving the reader an idea of what the article may be about, it does not give a clear indication and could become confusing. The audience are deemed to be more intrested in pictures (shown by "Neil Young. His Archive... In Full!) and stories that they feel may be "glamourous" and live up to the "rock star" cliche e.g. "ON THE ROAD WITH THE WORLD'S BIGGEST ROCK BAND!".

Text/Picture Ratio
I think that the text/picture ratio is fairly even, with the images being as just as much as the text. The magazine has many features in, and has to promote and generate intrest in most of them, therefore the text on cover is promoting these stories (and depending on their names alone to be able to sell the stories to the public). However, images capture the attention of the reader, and therefore using the large image of a current rock group initally attracts the audience to the magazine, with the text around it then being able to help promote it. By adding images the magazine is ensuring visual recognisition of names such as The Sex Pistols and Trent Reznor.

Overall the MOJO front cover appeals well to the intended audience; it uses basic and brief text on the front cover, whilst using a dominating image of a popular band to attract the reader to the magazine. Combining these factors with a unique colour scheme, which allows the magazine to seperate itself from the other magazines and from blending in with the others again allows for a unique and striking image. By using simple fonts, it is consistent throughout, and allows for the reader to take in the information easily.

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