Sunday 28 November 2010

Readers of music magazines

Readers of music magazines

In order to gain knowledge of why people are reading magazines I made a survey aimed specifically at readers of music magazines. By finding out why people are interested in reading music magazines, and the most popular features, I am able to identify strengths and weaknesses people find with them, and I am then able to have that knowledge when creating my magazine.

The survey:



Answers given;
- Interviews
- Gig Reviews/ Upcoming Gigs
- Posters/ Pictures
- Behind the scenes
- Album Reviews
- Charts

Answers given;
- None
- Make the cheaper
- Less advertisements
- Stop featuring the same bands weekly/ More diversity in bands
- Colour schemes; too dark
- More pictures

Reasons given;
for those who answered no:
- Predictable
- Magazines need modernising
- Change is good
- Will then be unique/ fresh ideas
for those who answered yes:
- Allows for a similar feel to others
- Easy to read and follow
- No need to change something that is already good
- Layouts are suited to the genre


My results show that for my magazine to be successful I should aim it at young people aged 16-20 years old, with the preference of males. The idea genre for my magazine would be an indie magazine, due to this being the popular answer on both what is the prefered genre of music to listen to and what genre for anew magazine should be used. I would keep the design similar to those of existing magazines if I was to agree with the readers, due to it giving a similar feel, with NME and Q being the magazines to base it on.

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